Testing Teams Tenant

The following lists actions required for Tenant testing:

Test Consent (Grant, Retrieve from OCUI, Retrieve from API call, integrate into BSS)
Grant consent from one of the Teams test tenants whitelisted for private preview .
Retrieve consent from OCUI
Retrieve consent from API call
Determine how best to integrate into BSS
Test Teams Tenant Upload
Upload TN to Teams test tenants whitelisted for private preview
Assign TNs
Make Outbound calls 
View Teams CDR  View Teams CDR to confirm call duration is listed from Operator
Unassign TN and release TN.
Pull Acquired Numbers.
Test Load for JSON File-Verify that there are no errors in the JSON file, add JSON in OCP and close ticket.
Open Tickets for Whitelisting
Open up ticket to have Teams Test tenants whitelisted (ADO).
Submit request to have teams test tenants whitelisted per Operator ID (https://ecs.skype.com)
Update Operator configure to PrivatePreview and close ADO ticket (OCP and ADO)